Category: Tutorials

Decay effect

A decaying effect This tutorial caught my eye. I did a session with a model years  ago, and decided to try this effect out on my images of her. I did not have the exact particle brush as in the YouTube tutorial but I improvised. Kind of a neat effect, I think my versions turned

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Alien Skin Eyecandy 7

Find Eyecandy 7 If you are into graphics and photoshop and never heard of Alien Skin’s Eye Candy 7, look for it! Alien Skin had changed their company name to Exposure Software. If you look hard enough you may find cracked torrents on various search engines that will work for you. I use Windows 11

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Remove fine details from background

Remove objects with fine edges using blue channel. Works great on trees or hair

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Faux Infrared in Photoshop

I’m using a fancy, French word Faux infrared. Woo, I am  being a fancy boy, using my French words. Ok its fake infrared. Fake fake fake! Instead of ruining a perfectly good camera and converting it to an infrared type of shooter, or buying lenses you can achieve an infrared-like look for your photos. I

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