Color exclusion
Color exclusion
Color exclusion
Color exclusion
Color exclusion
Color exclusion
Color exclusion
Color exclusion

When I first installed Adobe Photoshop it was in college back in 1995. I had Adobe Photoshop v3. Thats when I started becoming very interested in computers. Adobe Photoshop v3 had no layers yet but the tools and what you could do to images intrigued me. Jump forward a few decades to 2022. I still enjoy Adobe Photoshop and use it almost every day. Its become such a deep program and there is more than one way to achieve most photo effects. I am still learning new techniques in photoshop. I have yet to use all of Adobe Photoshop’s tools!
When I started out editing images in Adobe Photoshop, my edits were awful. Too contrasty, too much saturation etc… I eventually learned what I liked my photos to look like. In some cases I do want an extreme amount of saturation or contrast. I have RAW photos going back to 2003. I often revisit my older RAW files and try out a new way of editing older images.
Color exclusion, black and white conversion, composite images are among ways I like to present older images again. I often also publish my new edits on older photos on Twitter, where I have a medium sized audience. I would say I edit photos at least once a day each day for many years. One thing I try not to do is lose information in the original photos. i.e. over brighten them to the point where details of clouds are being washed out etc…
However almost all professional photographers will agree, its best to get the image you want directly from the camera without any excessive editing. However in the field, sometimes my settings can be off.